History MacChess 1.0 (TOBBER Atari) EN Rotterdam December 1994
MacChess 1.0 has been converted from an Atari computer to the Macintosh. Under the name of TOBBER I participated in the Dutch Computer Chess Championships in 1989 and 1990. These were organized by the CSVN (Computer Chess Association Netherlands).
In 1989 there were 14 programs and I was 11th with 2.5 points out of 7 games, and in 1990 there were 16 programs and I was 10th with 3 points out of 7 games.
After this I stopped programming for a while. In April 1993 I started to
convert my program to an Apple Macintosh computer, which has now been done.
MacChess 1.0 is nearly the same as TOBBER (Atari).
On a Classic II MacChess 1.0 can be compared to the Kasparov TEAM-MATE chess computer and on a Centris 610 to the Mephisto MMII.
MacChess 1.0 has been developed whith THINK C, the interface has been written in C and its search routines have been written in assembler.
In October 1994 I visited the 14th Dutch Computer Chess Championship
and was inspired to play again at the 15th Championship in 1995.